The project consisted of creating a brand for our band, Unkind Smile. They are an alternative genre band with a target audience consisting mainly of males, 18-25 years old of middle class status. We conducted research prior of our selected song that we had to make a music video for, and wrote two case studies on similar genres and artists. Then, we made a storyboard of the types of shots and angles we wanted to create for our music video ( Finally, we put together a campaign to market our band to the audience, demonstrating the strategies we would use to market and distribute our music.
B. The research was mainly on the company the actual band, Trampled by Turtles, sang the song we produced into a music video, “Wild Animals.” We discusses their history as a company, such as when they were established and certain notable moments in their history. In addition, artists under the same record label were looked at and listed to construct the two case studies, one on Trampled by Turtles’s most recent song, and the other on Mumford and Sons. It informed the target audience project choices we made, and how we planned to distribute the media to them. They followed similar trends, so we could construct our marketing strategies with the same step process in mind. For example, their website,, inspired the visual design of our bands website.
C. In order to market the band, we focused mainly on social media engagement with our target audience. We analyzed in our research that Mumford and Sons found success in their social media platforms as it drew in their fans and created extra buzz for their band from when they formed in 2007 to the present. For example, our twitter page and instagram page utilized the same design while having different purposes. Instagram is going to be more visual because it includes images in all their posts, so they can use it to promote new media being released to the public. Twitter would mainly focus on interaction with their fans and announcements the band may have. Their designs are similar in order to establish a brand that is easily recognized and always present in the audience’s mind.
D. From the music marketing campaign, I learned that every choice in technique, style, and design has a reason for the way it is. Whether it be certain camera shots in the music video or the font design of the band, it all has a purpose behind it in order to create brands and presence in the music industry. For example, the use of an abstract video idea lends itself to the alternative music genre and the artist’s choice to be different in their marketing techniques. For my portfolio project, meticulous choices must be made in order to convey the essence of the story in my magazine. Each decision is an important one and nothing is added without a reason.
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