Thursday, April 4, 2019

Pictures Update!

Since I was alone today, I only took pictures for the Soccer Goal/Field and one for the gym that could potentially work. However, I was unable to get a picture of me taking the pictures. I will do this for others coming up.

I also took pictures for the month health calendar. For this I set up a plate of healthy food and kept the colors neutral so it wouldn’t be too much for the viewer’s eyes. One has the lighting intensified, while the other only works with the natural light available.

Here is how it looks inserted onto the contents page. With Canva, it is easy to rearrange images. This is the first page. 

This is the second page.

The rest of the images will be completed on Friday, as this is when I will have the ability to use another person to contribute to the portfolio. She will function as one of the models of my magazine. 

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