I focused my two-page spread on “To Stretch or Not to Stretch” and did it in the format of Pros VS. Cons with a conclusion at the end of it. According to the Contents page, the article begins on page 52; therefore, I have the same page number on the first page of the spread. I began with the title in large, bold font (Archivo Black) and continued with a subheading explaining what the article will focus on and to draw attention to the readers. This is in a smaller font placed strategically below the heading. Below, the article begins and is laid out in two columns with two pictures on the first page. I used the icon of a weight instead of bullet points to add character and emphasize the genre of health and fitness. Lines and cleanness is valued for the magazine, which is why each text box, image, or graphic focuses on the margin lines and symmetry all around.
The second page of the spread continues the pros and then introduces the cons and the final concluding paragraph. I am in between changing the last paragraph and adding a space between sentences to make it two different paragraphs so it looks cleaner. This is how it would look.
Besides that, I will work on the pictures later today for the contents page and two-pager. The front cover is going to be the easiest thing to complete; therefore, I am leaving it to the end since the cover is going to be primarily the picture and a few headlines. Not too much to the point that it will be overwhelming, keeping the theme intact.
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