Circulation of blood throughout the body allows oxygen and nutrients to be transferred to the organs and muscles for proper function, strength, movement, and flexibility. In turn, this reduces muscle soreness.
Improper Technique
Not knowing how to properly stretch can lead to body aches and pain. Having the wrong form for a stretch positions the body in a way it would actually cause harm instead of benefit. For example, when reaching down to your toes with both hands it is important to keep the back straight. Bending or arching it will create tension and discomfort in the future.
Prolonging Stretches
There is misconception that there is a correlation between the amount of time you hold a stretch to the amount of soreness that is avoided the next day. However, excessively stretching does not prevent soreness at all; it makes you more susceptible to injury. Holding your muscle in one position should never exceed more than 30 seconds.
Incorrect Stretching for Exercises
Stretching is not as simple as it appears. From ballistic, dynamic, passive, and static, the list continues on for the different types of stretching that exists. They each have their own purpose. Whereas dynamic would benefit an athlete more than a bodybuilder, static stretches better reward the latter over power-driven workouts.
Conclusion: Stretching is individualistic. Each person needs to focus and listen to their body’s needs. If performing high-impact workouts, it may be necessary to incorporate stretching into your exercise session. The type of stretch conducted for the activity is more important than stretching at all. Improper stretches will be less beneficial as they actually predispose the body to injury. Overall, individual fitness goals influence what is needed. You need to make the smart, informative decision on whether or not stretching is for you.”
I feel as if I will need to add to the conclusion or to the article overall once I create the layout for the magazine article so I will be working on that next so I can create it and finalize it.
I also plan on getting the pictures soon for the magazine. The amount I need will be finalized once I make the layout but the concept should wil all be the same. It will involve one singular person doing the stretches or not stretching at all. This will keep the message direct, while not making the page too hectic. They will probably be placed along a white background and wear light, bright colors. The mis-en-scene will be discussed in its own blog once the pictures are created.
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