This week I met with four other group members to discuss the progress we have all made in our portfolio projects. Although I was the only one doing a magazine layout, all the advice and constructive criticism help me develop my ideas for the health and fitness magazine. The initial idea I had for the cover page was to include one individual as the main picture and have headings of articles surrounding the individual. However, since my target audience is both male and female they thought it would be best to include two individuals, one of each gender, so that it appeals to the entire consumer. whether they post together or are photographed doing an exercise together, having both individuals will develop the essence of the magazine.
When I proposed my idea for the table of contents to include a picture layout in the form of the three letters “F“ “I“ “T”, they liked the idea. They pointed out an issue with the layout that the “I” would be in the in the middle of the two pages on the crease of the magazine. My solution to solve this problem would be to either figure out another word or symbol I could use, or to place the it either on the right side of the left page or the left side of the right page.
We also brainstormed some ideas for the magazine title. I wanted to keep it simple and not too long but not too short either. The name might also be more prominent and easy to remember if it uses alliteration. Here are some ideas:
- Fast Fit
- Feel Fit
- Wellness
- Ripped&Fit
I need to come up with ideas of how the photographs will be taken and what I want my main article to focus on. Overall, the groups were useful because I gained four new perspectives.
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