I have created the first page of the contents for the magazine. This is a layout with the intended fonts and spacing I want to use. The font for the title of the magazine and contents page is Archivo Black. The font for the title of the separate sections, such as Features and Health, the article titles, and their description is Amiko. The section titles will use the same color red as in the title of the magazine to keep consistency within the product, whereas the magazine article names and description will be black and an off-black color to create a separation that is clean and appreciated by the target audience.
I spaced out the images on the first page to include two horizontal that will go with the top section and two vertical that go along with their own story. Everything is lined out, so I’m not completely sure about the placement of the images yet. I will try to get my peer’s opinions on Friday when we have our group discussions where I can receive feedback on my magazine.
In the bottom right corner, I include the address from where the magazine is distributed and headquartered, as well as their telephone number. Readers can use this information to reach out to the magazine. This demonstrates the magazine appreciates feedback from their readers so they are always working to be better. The website below demonstrates the magazine is available online, additional to the print version.
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