Thursday, March 7, 2019


I started brainstorming names for the magazine in the beginning of this week and decided to focus the title on the word “fit.” During the group discussions where we each talked about our plans and developing our portfolio project, they gave me the idea of using alliteration in the title to appeal to the audience and engage their attention. By using this technique, it catches the reader’s eyes because it is the focus of the mast of the magazine. The marketing of the title is very important because it is usually the only aspect of the magazine that is visible when being sold in stores. Therefore, the stylistic choices the title is presented in is equally as important because it reveals the magazine’s intended tone it wishes to project. For example, bolder, larger font = powerful tone, whereas smaller, curly font = softer/lighter tone. Obviously the health and fitness magazines stay away from the curls because it doesn’t embody the robust display that appeals to their gym-junkies; the only curls they want are with their biceps.

This led me to the infused title of FEELFIT, because it has qualities of both health and fitness. I intend for the letters to be spaced out more than usual to develop the tough, yet sophisticated tone to appeal to the men and women in my target audience.

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